Marta Garcia
Marta Garcia brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to her work with teachers, coaches and students. Her focus is on lifting students' voices and bringing joy to the teaching and learning of mathematics. She has expertise in working with a range of learners, including multilingual learners. Marta specializes in developing professional learning that empowers teachers. Her work with lesson studies, virtual learning ,and coaching collaboratives all center on developing sustainable initiatives that position students and teachers as capable of ambitious work.
Masters In Elementary Education with Advanced Coursework in Mathematics
Mathematics Specialist Certification
National Board Certified Teacher
Presidential Award for Teaching of Mathematics and Science
North Carolina Rankin Award for Contribution to Mathematics Teaching
35+ Years of Teaching and Coaching Mathematics
Adjunct Professor / Math Methods Courses and Math Leadership Masters Program
Equity Focused Work with Math Curriculum and Teacher Leadership
Polly Wagner
Polly Wagner specializes in K-8 mathematics, supporting schools, administrators and teachers to think strategically about improving the mathematics teaching and learning in their district. She works with all adults to delve deeply into the mathematics content they teach, listen to students’ ideas in such a way as to see their brilliance and to believe in every student. She specializes in equitable mathematics teaching practices, investigating students’ algebraic reasoning, videotaping students’ mathematics conversations, online coaching and leading collegial visits. She believes schools are not just places where children come to learn but where adults learn too.
Masters in Elementary Education with Advanced Coursework in Mathematics
Consultant to Teaching to the Big Ideas project through EDC, Mount Holyoke and TERC
Designed Course Work Focused on Mathematics and Special Education
Liaison for families and school mathematics
Adjunct professor at Mount Holyoke College, Antioch University and Boston College
Professional Work Focuses on the Intersection of Mathematics, Variability and Equity
35+ Years of Teaching and Coaching Mathematics
Consultant to Cultivating a Math Coaching Practice: A Guide for K-8 Math Educators